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377. Plans for This Week

✅3月3日(日)日本時間 20時~ Shadow Me生限定のライブ配信を行います。

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23 comentarios

23 mar

I work Monday to Friday. I'm going to a cafe with my friends on Saturday. I don't have any plans yet for Sunday.

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01 mar

I worked from Monday to Thursday. I chill at home today . Probably I have to work on Saturday because it is busiest period at the end of school year. I’m looking forward to joining live stream of Shadow Me on Sunday.

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27 feb

I had work Monday and Tuesday.Wednesday I don't have any plants yet.

Thursday I 'm going the daughter's graduation performance with my husband.

I'm looking forward to performance.

I have work weekend.

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27 feb

What are my plans this week? I don't have much planned.... I work on weekdays. The only plan I have is to catch up with my sister this weekend. We haven't made any specific plans yet. I'd like to go out for lunch, but they haven't confirmed anything yet."

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26 feb

I have work Monday to Wednesday and Friday to Saturday.l’m also taking online English lessons after work on Wednesday and Saturday. Thursday, maybe l guess l’m going to the city center to look for a gift if it’s sunny. Sunday, l don’t have any plan yet, but will join live streaming of Shadow Me.

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