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355. At a Counter


At a Counter

The other day, I went to McDonald's and the person at the counter said something really quickly.

She said "bi sel?". I couldn't understand that, so I said "Sorry?" And she said "by itself?"

This time, I was able to understand what she said, but I still had to stop and figure out what she meant for a second.

Then I realized that she was asking if I wanted a meal or not.

It was tricky, but now I know.

hat bus box car ●bird door cone ●apron Stop ●Silent _Flap T/Linking

↑各発音の音の出し方については、Shadow Meにお申込みいただいた際に【解説動画】をお渡ししています。

At a Counter

The other day, I went to McDonald's and the person at the counter said something really quickly.

She said "bi sel?". I couldn't understand that, so I said "Sorry?" And she said "by itself?"

This time, I was able to understand what she said, but I still had to stop and figure out what she meant for a second.

Then I realized that she was asking if I wanted a meal or not.

It was tricky, but now I know.

the other day:この間

S couldn't V:~できなかった


this time:今回は

S is able to V:~できる

still :まだ、それでも

S have to V:~しなきゃ

figure out:自分で考えて問題を解決する・理解する(動)

What SV:~なこと・もの

what she said=彼女が言ったこと

what she meant=彼女が意味したこと

for a second:一瞬


I realized (that) SV:~ってことに気づいた

S was ~ing: ~していた(過去進行形)

if SV:~かどうか(間接疑問文)

if I wanted a meal or not=ミールセットが欲しいのかどうか

It was 形/ 名:~だったんだ(自分からの感想・説明)


ラージピース=文章の大枠|後ろに文章(SV)が入る ミドルピース=文章の中枠|後ろに動詞(V)が入る スモールピース=他のピース中に埋まる おまけピース=なくても文章が成り立つもの シングルピース=そのまま使える/1語応用




At a Counter


The other day, I went to McDonald's and the person at the counter said something really quickly.


She said "bi sel?". I couldn't understand that, so I said "Sorry?" And she said "by itself?"


This time, I was able to understand what she said,


but I still had to stop and figure out what she meant for a second.


Then I realized that she was asking if I wanted a meal or not.


It was tricky, but now I know.



Today's Question

Have you ever had an experience like that? Let us know in the comments if you have ever misheard or couldn't understand a word.


💡答え方は、Yes I have.や、I couldn't understand the word "~". だけでももちろんOKですし、いつ?どこで?誰と?など、その時のことを細かく説明されてもOKです!細かい文法は間違っていても大丈夫なので、「これ、伝えたい!」という気持ちでアウトプットをしてみましょう◎

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